Our Mission
I am the vine; you are the branches. ...
The Vine exists to connect people to Jesus by being Rooted in Scripture and worship, Growing through discipleship and fellowship, and Reaching out to the lost through evangelism. Basically, we are just laid-back people who love Jesus and desire for others to come to know him and love him as we do.

Our Core Values
... Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, ...
There are certain things that we hold as values in our community of faith at The Vine. These are not just words on a page. They are standards by which we already live.
We are a church connecting meaningfully with God through surrendered lives to Him.
We are a church that intentionally leads and teaches others how to become more like Christ.
We are a church that is transforming our community through Christ.
We are a church where people can find hope, peace, and restoration in a safe environment.
We are a church that actively engages people, through their God-given talents, in church ministry

What We Believe
... for apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5 ESV
The Vine is an Assembly of God Church, meaning that we adhere to the doctrines of the AG as well as the fundamental Christian doctrines practiced by multiple denominations around the world. The following, while not an exhaustive list, gives a basic gist of what we believe to be true.
We believe in One God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Bible is God’s inspired Word
We believe that Jesus Christ had to die for our salvation.
We believe in the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues
We believe that God dwells in every believer, not in a sanctuary made by hands
We practice baptism and communion.
We believe that Jesus is coming again so the redeemed will forever be with Him